Ways to Prepare Your Business for Tornado Season

Ways to Prepare Your Business for Tornado Season

Tornado season is a dangerous time of year for businesses, as high winds and other extreme weather can wreak havoc on your property and operations. Preparation is key to ensuring that your business is ready to weather the storm of a tornado and return to normal operations as soon as possible. Triton Renovation is a leader in tornado damage restoration for businesses. Here are a few ways to prepare your business for tornado season. Contact us today!

storm cloud brewing

Have a Plan

Develop an emergency plan for your business that outlines who is responsible for what in the event of a tornado. Every employee should know their roles and be familiar with the plan. Have multiple copies of the plan available in case of power outages.

rain on window pane

Check Roofs and Windows

Have your building's roof and windows inspected to ensure they are secure and can withstand high winds. Make sure that any loose shingles, tiles, or other compromised roofing materials are replaced and that windows are properly sealed against water.

securing belts

Secure Outdoor Equipment

Move all outdoor equipment, such as lawnmowers and patio furniture, to a safe location inside. Secure any outdoor equipment that can’t be moved with sturdy ropes, chains, or straps. This will help ensure they don't get blown away (or worse — blown into your building!).

important document files

Protect Important Documents

Have any important documents, such as contracts and financial records, stored in waterproof containers. Make sure to have digital copies stored on a secure server in case of power outages.

emergency preparedness supplies

Have Supplies Ready

Have emergency supplies, such as flashlights, batteries, and first aid kits, readily available in case of a tornado. Have enough supplies for every employee to be safe and comfortable during a storm.

thunderhead with lightning

Monitor Local Weather

Have a system in place to monitor local weather alerts so you can be prepared if a tornado is headed your way. Make sure to have multiple ways to receive warnings, such as a weather radio, text messages, and email alerts. Tornados can appear suddenly, so it's important to stay abreast of any sudden storms that could produce a tornado.

tornado shelter sign

Practice Tornado Drills

Have important personnel at your office practice tornado drills so everyone knows what to do in the event of a tornado. Practice drills can help reduce panic and make sure everyone is prepared.


By taking the necessary steps to prepare your business for tornado season, you can ensure that your business is ready to face the storm. Having an emergency plan in place, protecting important documents, and monitoring local weather can help your business stay safe and operational during tornado season. Call Triton Renovation, a leader in commercial tornado restoration services nationwide, today.

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