Tips for Preventing Hail and Storm Damage

Tips for Preventing Hail and Storm Damage

Hail and storm damage can be a major headache for business owners. Damage to roofs, siding, windows, and fleet vehicles can be expensive and time-consuming to repair. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect your business from hail and storm damage. If your business does suffer from hail and/or storm damage, call Triton Renovation, a nationwide storm restoration company, today.

Tips for Preventing Hail and Storm Damage infographic
business roof

Inspect Your Business's Roof Regularly

It's important to have a professional roofing company inspect your business's roof every spring and fall to make sure there is no damage or signs of wear. Your roofing technician will make sure to check for missing, cracked, or loose shingles, and look for signs of hail damage such as dents in the shingles. If repairs are needed, our professional roofing company can help. Call today.

hail stones

Install Impact-Resistant Roofing

Impact-resistant roofing materials on your commercial roof are designed to stand up to hail and wind damage better than standard asphalt shingles. Investing in impact-resistant roofing can help protect your business from hail and storm damage. Let us know how we can help today.

strong windows

Install Impact-Resistant Windows

Impact-resistant windows are designed to stand up to hail, wind, and debris better than standard windows. These windows are made of thicker glass and are designed to shatter and stay in place if struck by a hailstorm. By investing in impact-resistant windows, your business's windows have a better chance of withstanding a severe storm. Let Triton Renovation help today.

trimming trees

Trim Trees and Shrubs

The simple act of trimming trees and shrubs can help protect your business from hail and storm damage. Limbs and branches that are close to your building can become projectiles during a storm, damaging your business in many ways. Make sure to trim back any branches that are close to your building or fleet vehicles.

storm shutters

Invest in Storm Shutters

Storm shutters are one of the best ways to protect your business from hail and storm damage. Storm shutters are made of metal, wood, or plastic and are designed to cover your windows and keep out debris during a storm. Plus, storm shutters will stop broken glass from becoming projectiles that can cause harm to your employees or customers.

fleet garage and storage space

Invest in Storage and Garage Space

One of our best tips to avoid hail and storm damage is to park your vehicles indoors and move your outdoor furniture inside, especially when not in use. When a storm warning comes, you'll definitely want to park your business's vehicles inside a garage and move anything important inside.

business owner with insurance agent

Have Adequate Insurance Coverage

Make sure your business is covered by the right amount of insurance so that if a storm does occur, you won't lose more money than necessary. Plus, adequate insurance coverage for your business will help ensure you are able to repair any damage quickly and without incurring major expenses.


These tips can help protect your business from hail and storm damage, and by following these tips, you can help ensure your business is safe and secure during hail or a storm. In addition, don't forget to implement emergency procedures and have a plan in place in the event a storm happens during working hours. This will help to keep your employees and customers safe.

If your business has suffered storm and/or hail damage, give Triton Renovation a call. We have a nationwide network of professional craftsmen who respond promptly to your restoration and renovation needs after a disaster. This turnkey solution helps expedite your restoration services and get your business up and running again. Call today.

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