4 Steps To Take Immediately After Being Hit By A Tornado

4 Steps To Take Immediately After Being Hit By A Tornado

Tornadoes can be an unpredictable and devastating force of nature that can cause serious damage to homes and businesses. In the blink of an eye, entire neighborhoods and businesses can be destroyed and lives can be changed forever. As such, it is important to know what to do immediately after being hit by a tornado in order to help minimize the damage to your commercial space and stay safe.

Triton Renovation is here to help. Our team of experts boasts more than 40 years of experience helping businesses that have been hit by tornadoes with their restoration needs. Here are four steps to take immediately after being hit by a tornado. Contact us today!

4 Steps To Take Immediately After Being Hit By A Tornado
storm shelter sign

Seek Shelter

The first thing you should do during the imminent threat of a tornado is to seek shelter immediately. Look for any sturdy and secure structure nearby, such as an underground basement or storm shelter. If none are available, try to find an interior room without windows on the lowest floor of your commercial building and cover yourself with pillows, blankets, or mattresses.

weather radar

Stay Alert

Stay informed of the situation and be aware of any further tornado warnings that may be issued. Pay attention to local radio and TV stations or access internet sources for updates. It's important to stay in the know, so you can stay put during the storm if need be.

checking injuries

Check for Injuries

Once the tornado has passed and you are in a safe location, check on everyone in your building and office space to make sure they are safe and not injured. If someone is injured, call 911 or seek medical attention as soon as possible.

tornado damage

Document the Damage

Take pictures or videos of the damage caused by the tornado. Make sure to include any damaged or destroyed property, such as furniture, appliances, and cars. Be sure to include all parts of your commercial building, including the roof, the interior, and even the basement. This documentation can help you with any insurance claims or other recovery efforts.


These are four steps to take immediately after being hit by a tornado. Remember to stay safe, remain calm, and take action quickly to help minimize the damage caused by the tornado and protect your employees and customers. With a bit of luck, your building may come out unscathed or with minimal damage.

Our tornado restoration company is here to help in the event your commercial building is struck by a tornado. We leverage our nationwide group of contractors to help. They can respond immediately to begin the sometimes cumbersome process of tornado restoration. Call Triton Renovation for commercial tornado damage restoration today!

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